Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Partnership for Porticus’ Building Future Generations Strategy

Client: Porticus

Duration: 2023 – 2027

Geography: Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Colombia, Peru, Lebanon, Jordan, Haiti, Global

Solutions: Evaluation, Organisational Learning and Growth

The Porticus Foundation has developed its Building Future Generations strategy to capture its work on education globally. This strategy envisages a world where “whole child development is a force for inclusion for children in extreme adversity, enabling them to develop to their full potential and succeed in life”.

To achieve this vision, Porticus are supporting systemic shifts towards building social and emotional skills for children living in displacement and children living on the margins. Partners across 10 countries and two global programmes will work to enact systemic change by a) shifting mindsets around education for displaced and marginalised learners, b) re-balancing power dynamics in education systems, and c) developing new tools and approaches to be used to improve inclusion and learning outcomes.

Oxford MeasurEd is part of a consortium, led by Triple Line Consulting, who have been contracted as the global MEL partner for this work. The aim of our partnership is to generate evidence and use it to:

  1. Help Porticus and its partners improve their education programming.

  2. Contribute to the evidence base on education for marginalised and displaced learners.

  3. Support evidence-based shifts in policy and practice at national and global levels.

As a consortium we aim to deliver this by creating a global community in which evidence generated from monitoring and evaluation activities is used for collaborative, action-driven reflection and learning. Within the consortium, Oxford MeasurEd is providing specific expertise on a) facilitating collaborative learning, and b) social and emotional learning (SEL) as part of programme and MEL strategy development.

Key activities:

  • Supporting co-creation of MEL strategies

  • Technical assistance on supporting SEL.

  • Ongoing support for learning


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