Supporting Stronger Assessment Practice for Norwegian Refugee Council’s Education work in the Middle East

Client:             Norwegian Refugee Council

Duration:        2022 - Present

Geography:     Middle East Region

Solutions:        Assessment, Organisational Learning and Growth

NRC’s education programming recognises that displacement due to conflict and war has a devastating impact on learning, and often leads to education being interrupted or even denied. Children and youth suffer from traumatic events and a loss of social networks that provide protection and support.

NRC provides safe and inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth. Learners are supported to complete a full cycle of education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. As part of this support NRC’s education programmes focus on supporting transition and inclusion into formal education systems. Measuring learning outcomes plays an important role in supporting this inclusion.

MeasurEd is supporting NRC to think about what assessment practices already exist across country programmes in Libya, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine and which of these practices support teachers to feedback to learners and their caregivers and reflect on their own teaching practice. This will then be used to chart a way forward to harmonise and strengthen assessment practices, and ensure that robust thinking on learning measurement is mainstreamed in teams across the region.

Key Activities:

  • Delivering a regional workshop to introduce a clear decision-making pathway for designing a common learning assessment approach for NRC across the region.

  • Completing a desk review of existing assessment tools and practices in the region.

  • Presenting recommendations on how to develop assessment tools and approaches for the future.

  • Providing follow up support to teams on developing their assessment approaches.


Supporting Inclusive Education Sector Dialogue through the All Hands on Deck Initiative 


Supporting the Development of National ECE Assessments in Lebanon